Monday, March 14, 2011

Tiny Wings Mentality

I'm not really sure about how I lived without my iPhone.  My phone has kept me more organized than ever for just over a year now.  But the iPhone has also caused large amounts of procrastination time with the seemingly never-ending app store.  The App Store is filled with tons of games, tools, puzzles, and more.  Although most free apps are used and deleted after being beat on my phone, the apps that I buy always seem to stick around, not only because I bought them and don't want to waste them, but they are usually always entertaining.

Usually I become very fond of a single app and then a couple weeks later, I pick a new one to be obsessed with.  Yes, I pick favorites all the time.  Recently, my favorite and most entertaining app has been Tiny Wings.  At a price of $.99 on the App Store, Tiny Wings is probably one of the most entertaining games out there.  Personally, Tiny Wings has made skiing so much more entertaining. 

The whole idea behind Tiny Wings is that you use the hills in the game to catch air and fly.  You can make yourself heavier to get more momentum and land faster to catch the next hill perfectly to catch even more air and get more points.  You travel from island to island jumping from hill to hill, racing day light.  When night time comes, it's game over, and your score is recorded to compete against yourself.  You can complete different objectives to add multipliers to your "nest" to help increase your high score.  An example of one of those objectives is to make it to island 5 while holding your iPhone upside down.

Over break I played this game every day in the car on the way to the mountains and in the gondola as much as I could.  As I was going down the hill, I was constantly looking for jumps and landings to catch perfectly like a "rhythm section".  This turned into a inside joke with all my friends as we would always claim "tiny wings" runs through the jump section and just went flying off the sides of the jumps looking for new landings.

Tiny Wings is always a good way to waste some time in the gondola and on chair lifts and makes your skiing/snowboarding experience much more entertaining if you think of you day in "tiny wings" perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent meditation here, Austin.

    Do you REALLY play Tiny Wings on the gondola?

    What happened to looking around at the scenery? ha.

    Nice use of Web 2.0, bro.

