Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yachting. A Magazine to Fit a Lifestyle


Yachting Magazine is for everything Yachting ranging from personal stories to new technologies for navigation, safety, and communications.

The cover pages for all Yachting Magazine issues immediately triggers both the limbic and the neocortex parts of the brain.  The pictures on the front of the magazine immediately draws your attention with thoughts of "ohhhh what a pretty boat".  After catching your attention you start reading the cover (neocortex) to find out all the exciting reads you can have within the magazine.

Although I'm sure a majority of Yachting Magazine readers are much like me, and aren't capable of owning multi million dollar yacht, it's always entertaining to look through the magazine when you're bored in the store to see some very impressive vessels and new boating technology.

Personally, my favorite part of Yachting Magazine would be the pictures of the large yachts in action.  Growing up on Cape Cod, Massachusetts I'm no stranger with boating, so seeing some of these pictures is actually entertaining and fascinating.

Magazines have been, and still are a timeless source of entertainment.  No matter what your interest, there is most likely a magazine for you.  All you have to do is go out and find that magazine! And I encourage you to do so! Give yourself a different source of entertainment!

This video can be found on the Yachting magazine website and consists of a tour of a yacht in the bahamas.

Although I do enjoy my Yachting Magazine here and there, I would probably say that Power Yachting Magazine can be more interesting.  Most people don't really understand the difference between these two magazines, and every answer is pretty debatable. However, Power yachting is exactly what it sounds like; very large boats, thats go really fast....for their size at least.  I like the power version of Yachting magazine because the yachts that are shown and talked about are more suited for fishing, which personally interests me more.  

After going on their website, I found an article on this mega yacht and HAD to show every picture of this beautiful vessel. 






Both of these magazines make the brain go crazy.  If someone is capable to look through these magazines and not every think of wanting what they see, there is something wrong with them.

1 comment:

  1. Satisfactory blogging here on YACHTING, Austin.

    GREAT photos and general comments.

    To make this excellent, include video embeds, and do more with our power tools analysis - trends, principles, persuasion, brain.

    Go for it,

